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This trains have no schedule, appear out of nowhere and disappear again… Where to? Someone
says – in parallel world, other- in time-loop, the third – straight to hell. But no one really
knows. June 14, 1911 Roman railways held advertising
campaign, demonstrating a new type of leisure train. At noon 3-railcar train left Roman
station moves. There were one hundred six people on board. They are going to visit local
attractions. Special point of interest was extremely-long for those times one kilometer
long tunnel going through the mountain. After the train entered the tunnel no one has ever
seen it again. According to the testimony of two of the passengers who were able to
jump from the train in the last minute they had a feeling that something bad was about
to happen. As they said later they were scared by some humming noise and very thick milk-with
fog that appeared suddenly by the entrance to the tunnel. Through search of the tunnel
gave no results, and scared romance decided to brick up the tunnel. But that wasn’t
the end, here is another couple of curious historical cups. medieval Italian manuscript
found in one of the monasteries tells the story of wired fantastic event. Ones by the
walls of the monastery appeared huge iron carriage it had big pipe and was pulling three
smaller carriages behind. Black thick smoke was coming up from the pipe. Monks started
panicking when two devil messengers appeared from the carriage –clean shaved men dressed
in black unimaginable clothe. They tried to get inside the monastery but good locks on
the gets common prey (молитва) and help of Mother Mary saved the monks. So devil’s
had to return to the carriage and disappeared in thick smoke. But that’s no all. Psychiatrist
Jose Sakseno lived in Mexico in 1840s and had very detailed medical files. Here is one
of them “ town hospital admitted 104 people. Diagnoses –mass madness. Surprisingly all
of them had the same story. Rare case! Unbelievable but all patience were Italians! Strange but
there were no Italians mention in any of the shipping companies records. I have checked
myself. But the most amazing part all 104 claimed that they have arrived by the railroad
and not just from the anywhere but from Rome itself. But it’s impossible-no trains can
cross the ocean!” Here it is folks. Unfortunately we don’t
know what happened to the train and its passenger. They might have settled at some point in time.
Had families and lived regular life to the end, but maybe this ghost-train is still moving
through space and time. There are some records stating that the train has been seen by some
people during our times .