After a curious young student named Jason meets Isobel – a mysterious transfer student who joins his class, Jason discovers the existence of talking miniature cars called Mecardimals. Isobel tries to keep them a secret but is surprised to learn that Jason has already befriended his own Mecardimal, who seems to be on a mission. #MattelAction! #Mecard #Mecardimals
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About Mecard:
Mecard Mecanimals vehicles transform in a flash to become gigantic robotic heroes! Follow along as they learn how to master every weapon, attack and ability to win in battle!
About Mattel Action!:
Mattel Action! is the not-so-secret headquarters for videos, packed with mind-blowing, rip-roaring, gut-busting adventures! From Mattel Brands to WWE to MEGA Construx to BattleClaw, these videos really pack a punch!
New Kid, New Mystery: Part 1 | Mecard | Episode 1